Brussels (with special introduction from Sir Gibbons)

Neil Gibbons guest writer: "The Drunk in the queue" Upon arrival in Belgium, I was conscripted by Mrs Willis to aid in the acquisition of travel cards (I can string a sentence together in French). She and I thus proceeded to the Information centre. This is itself was quite the ordeal as we had to battle our way through a crowd of confused English tourists walking in all directions in search of the same information centre. We made it through, where it so happened that I was not needed as the man in the booth spoke perfect English. As he and Mrs Willis spoke, I watched as a drunk man stumbled over, bumping into everyone in the queue, finally pushing in front of Mrs Willis as she continued to speak to the guide. The drunk, whilst eating and dropping oatcakes from a large bag he had, took a single earring from his pocket and offered it to the guide. The guide calmly refused the earring and waited a moment until the drunk reliased he was not welcome. We then found out where...