The Dulux Colour Run: The Happiest 5K

Apologies for not posting in weeks (revision took over my life), but exams are finally over so I am back! To celebrate the end of exams, I spent last weekend in London, where I did The Color Run at Wembley Park. I've wanted to do a colour run for aaaages, and this year I finally made to effort to actually sort it out. Looking at many colour run photos gave me high hopes for the actual thing, and I was not disappointed- it was SO much fun (and the weather was perfect). Here are some things you should expect/tips if you do ever do a colour run: 1) WEAR WHITE !!!!! 2) Get there early- there are 20,000 people doing the Wembley run and they let groups of runners start at a time. If you're late and at the back you will end up having to wait AGES to actually start running. 2) Wear sunglasses- it keeps the colour out of your eyes (and the sun). Failing that, keep your eyes closed every time the colour is thrown at you. Also, keep your mouth shut every time you run past the st...