How to be Sumstar cool
Hello friends. I am afraid that I have now hijacked this blog in the most aggressive way possible (Sumona lent me her laptop). Thus, I thought it would be appropriate to write a blog post based on the lifelong question - 'how can I be cool?' SUMONA STYLE. Here are a few tips and tricks that I have learnt during my close observation and study of this mysterious creature's behaviour and mannerisms: - Poker face . ALL the time. Never give away the fact that when someone's talking you're actually plotting to kill them; that would be totally uncool and very not Sumona. Maintain the game face. Hate inwardly. It will all reveal itself eventually. - HATE cats . Don't follow the trend of the 'Crazy Cat Lady' - it's totally Un-Sumstar. She hates them. Abhors them. You want to really be cool? Abolish the kitties. - Have all the latest Bollywood tracks on your iPod. It's SO important to keep up to date on the latest singles to hit the taxi cabs ...