India: 2 years on

Apologies for not posting in so long, I can only describe it as an exam- induced hiatus. I wrote a bit after exams but nothing felt right, sooo going back to where it all began with a post about India- only 2 years on! Which means it's been 2 years since I've had this blog, c r a z y. So, what's changed since I was last in the city of joy? a.k.a. Kolkata Well, unsurprisingly, not a lot. I say unsurprisingly because although India is a BRIC economy, there is never much change when we visit. Very slow economic, social and political development, despite rapidly increasing growth. Oh, corruption. Weather is still pretty vile. 97% humidity + curly hair = no. And don't get me started on the heat. Although it's cool that your hair is dry literally a few minutes after you step out of the shower. Who needs a hairdryer? No need for moisturiser either. It's monsoon so it absolutely chucks it down randomly during the day - I love it, but I did ruin my Nikes by walk...