
Showing posts from January, 2017

University term 1 -the good, the bad and the ugly (but mostly good)

So almost half the academic year has gone.... ALREADY. This is scarily fast. On a cold and muggy afternoon, I thought it would be fun to reflect on my first term of university. Which is much more fun than revising. First term was a mixed bag- sometimes I was loving it, and others all I wanted to do was drop out and go home (but really, which fresher doesn't have a melt down every once in a while). I mean, we've moved to a new city, with new people, new routines and no guidance!! Talk about being thrown in the deep end. But anyway, there's my emotional paragraph over. Here's some stuff I got up to last term- and a few things from the first few weeks of this term... they were too good not to put in! Seen La Fille Mal Gardée at the Royal Opera House (for £10 as well- if you're studying in London sign up to ROH student and thank me later) Been asked whether I'm part of London Fashion Week whilst wearing a Primark bed sheet wrapped up like a toga Sweet-talked ...