Random things I’ve bought this summer

As summer comes to a close, the depressing thought of school has already driven me to excessive retail therapy. The things I’ve done this summer haven’t required a lot of money, so I decided to splash out the money I’ve saved on some lovely things which I’m going to share with you ☼ This ‘Storm In A Teacup’ mug is from Evolution (obviously, where else will you get random cool things like this in Peterborough?) I’m always tempted to buy half the shop whenever I go in there, but I managed to restrict myself this time. I was looking for a new school bag and stumbled across this on the BHS website. It’s a handbag so definitely not big enough for school, but it’s so pretty and was half price so I couldn’t not get it?? That’s what I’m telling myself anyway! My speakers are old and virtually on the blink, so it was time to get some new ones. My brother recommended the Boombox speaker from Amazon , and I LOVE IT. You don’t need any cables or connections; you literally...