Random things I’ve bought this summer

As summer comes to a close, the depressing thought of school has already driven me to excessive retail therapy. The things I’ve done this summer haven’t required a lot of money, so I decided to splash out the money I’ve saved on some lovely things which I’m going to share with you ☼

This ‘Storm In A Teacup’ mug is from Evolution (obviously, where else will you get random cool things like this in Peterborough?) I’m always tempted to buy half the shop whenever I go in there, but I managed to restrict myself this time.

I was looking for a new school bag and stumbled across this on the BHS website. It’s a handbag so definitely not big enough for school, but it’s so pretty and was half price so I couldn’t not get it?? That’s what I’m telling myself anyway!

My speakers are old and virtually on the blink, so it was time to get some new ones. My brother recommended the Boombox speaker from Amazon, and I LOVE IT. You don’t need any cables or connections; you literally put your iPod/phone on the top of the speaker and it plays the music out loud. The volume goes really high as well, so it is really good for playing music outside, but parties as well because it’s so easy to switch between people’s iPods, just pick it up and drop a different one on top. I’ve had it for about a month now and I haven’t needed to charge it once, so the battery is pretty damn good too. So overall a good purchase!

Just some standard folders from Tesco.  I need one more though as I have five subjects this year - General Studies clearly was not a real subject in my mind when I bought them.

I realised it’s not viable for me to take my massive sewing kit in my bag every night to ballet, so I invested in this mini sewing kit from Amazon. It has everything you would need in an emergency, and it’s small enough to fit in your pocket. I haven’t used it yet, and that’s a good thing... I’d rather not have a loose ribbon while I’m dancing!

You can see from the photo background that my bookshelf is completely full, yet I cannot stop buying books SOME ONE HELP ME. I even bought a Kindle to stop myself buying hard copies of books, but clearly that hasn’t worked…

Anyway, I haven’t got round to reading ‘The Little Coffee Shop Of Kabul’ or ‘Midnight’s Children’ but I have read Divergent and I loved it! If you liked The Hunger Games or like futuristic books I would definitely urge you to read it. I got so into it I read the rest of the series in about 4 days (shout out to Francie for letting me borrow them)

It was a nightmare to get this book (by that I mean two horrible bus journeys. You’d think I’d be used to them as I get buses everyday but NOPE still not used to those horrible velvety seats, moody bus drivers and completely irregular time schedules- 40 minutes I had to wait for the first bus home!!!).  Anyway, it was worth it because this is such a nice book of music. I love the look of numbers 55 and 57, which are the easiest pieces I can find which also sound nice. I would recommend it if you are a fellow pianist!

So there’s my summer haul - It looks like quite a lot now I’ve written everything down, but keep in mind this is two months’ worth of purchases. I hope you all had great summers and enjoy the last few days before the hard work starts next week!


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