Great Eastern Run

A couple of weeks ago I made a snap - and arguably stupid- late night decision to sign up to the Great Eastern Fun Run. Why did I do it? I am still asking myself.

It might not seem like a big deal, but with my running history and fitness level it probably was not a sensible decision! Nevertheless, I stuck by it and attempted to train. 

Now, I didn't really help myself here.. I left less than two weeks to confidently run 5k when I could barely run 50m. I ended up going on a run 3 times before the race- gradually increasing my distance by about 1km each time, so by Tuesday I ran 4.5km... probably the most I have ever run, ARE YOU IMPRESSED? I am impressed.

Disaster struck on Thursday morning when I woke up with an injured hip... not exactly sure how I managed to do it (I'm guessing from ballet the night before), but all I knew was it was very bad timing. This forced me to rest and not run until the race which was so annoying, but was better than not being able to do it at all!

The pain got progressively worse over the next few days... so this morning I was genuinely contemplating whether it was a good health decision to do the actual thing. But come on, this is me we are taking about- the queen of stupid decisions...of course I put my health into jeopardy to do something which is not in the slightest beneficial to me or the charity Anna's Hope (a brilliant charity for children with brain tumours) as I've already given money towards it.

I managed to power through- just about- and with a mixture of running and jogging so slow I might as well have been walking, I managed to do it in 32 minutes, not too shabby under the circumstances!

I also saw people running for causes in really imaginative ways- one man did the 5k whilst pushing a girl in her wheelchair, a group of boys ran in army uniform with heavy backpacks on... some really inspirational runners! 

Maybe if I carry on running (99.9% unlikely) I could do a lot better next year, but for now a bath and a hip massage is in order☺



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