The Ultimate Lazy Persons Guide To Dessert
It's safe to say I have a huge sweet tooth and love baking. But I'm also incredibly lazy and hate long complicated recipes. Can't be bothered to bake but crave something sweet? Have an almost empty fridge? Years of searching for minimal recipes has boiled down to these brilliant ideas. Most of these recipes are my own adapted versions, but the two recipes with Nutella in I have altered from kirbiescravings. Hereth lies my ultimate guide (all 5 ingredients or less): 1) Flourless Nutella Cake What you need: 4 large eggs, 240g Nutella What to do: Beat the eggs on the highest speed in a mixer for about 6 minutes until it has tripled in volume (essential that it triples in volume otherwise the recipe won't work). Melt the Nutella in the microwave in a large glass bowl for around 20 seconds. Add 1/3 of the egg mixture in a gently stir until no egg mixture remains. Do this for another 1/3 of the egg mixture. And the last 1/3. You must do it in 3 batches ot...