Embarassing Bus Moments

I'm sure some of you will relate when I say that about 80% of embarrassing times in my life have been on the bus. An inevitable part of life, some would say. I've narrowed it down to my top 5 embarrassing times, although I could go on and on...

1) My most common, and very unfortunate, problem is when I fall over as the bus is moving-or even when it's still. Why is it that bus drivers decide to speed up exactly at the time you're trying to walk down the aisle? A few weeks ago I ended up apologising profusely to an old lady for sitting on her lap. Poor woman didn't know what hit her.

2) When the bus is really busy and I am sitting towards the back, there is the dreaded moment when it gets to my stop and I have to push past a sea of people up get out. It's that awkward bum contact whilst swishing past that does it for me ... 

3) Walking on the bus with multiple bags is also a nightmare. It ends up in bruising people's shoulders- or I suppose in my case people's lower arm, shoulders are a bit out of my reach - as I walk past and whack them with my numerous bags.

4) I think one of the worst is when I try to get away with a child ticket, but the driver is not having it. It's the awkward few moments when I have to get out my purse to get more money to pay for the adult ticket, and the whole bus is just staring at you, and you're holding up the queue and you just feel like you've let everyone down.

5) And then there was the umbrella catastrophe. It was absolutely chucking it down one morning and I could finally see the bus coming. So I eagerly went to put my umbrella down.

It wouldn't go down.

I desperately pushed the button to get it down -  but the brolly wasn't co operating. The bus was getting closer and I felt sick when the realisation hit- I was going to have to get on the bus with my umbrella fully up. I think it was one of the most embarassing things I've ever done, which was emphasised by the looks I got from other passengers. The worst part, however, was getting off. Everyone standing at the front had to get off the bus so I could get the umbrella out. Not only that, but rain was dripping on people's shoes and I felt like I was going to stab someone in the eye walking past them. It was horrendous.

The best thing to do in these situations is just laugh it off, people will forget about it quicker if you do- or on the contrary, blog about it. Why laugh it off when you can make your humiliation public, because obviously it is the better option? 

Have a happy Saturday☺


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