Why Suits Is The Best Show

Today I thought I would write about what is, in my opinion, the best series on TV. Suits, if you haven't heard of it, is a legal drama about a law firm in New York. I could write pages on what I love about the show, but I've narrowed it down to my top few reasons because I'm sure you don't want to read pages of me fangirling. 

- The characters are incredible. Every character in the show has such a distinct character, and you just fall in love with some of them (I want my very own Louis Litt). Seeing how powerful Harvey Specter and Jessica Pearson are provides so much motivation to be successful in life. That seems really weird (I do know the story is made up) but there are people like that in the world and it would be amazing to be like them.

- It's not just about corporate men in suits, feminism is a strong theme in the show. Jessica Pearson symbolises how powerful women can be. There is this idea that for certain ages, races and genders there is a 'glass roof' of how high of a position someone can reach, for example- how many female investment bankers do you know? The fact that Jessica Pearson, a black female in America, is the managing partner of the top law firm in New York shows how hard work pays off no matter what age, gender or race you are.

- You learn a lot, especially about the legal system. That may seem boring, and before I started watching it I thought 'a show about Law?? There's nothing that would bore me more' but here I am dedicating a post to it! You also learn to appreciate the choices people make, shown by the different cases and situations in the show.

- There's a bit for everyone, no matter what other TV genres you like. Obviously the main story lines are to do with law cases, but there are so many side stories and romances which make the whole thing so much more interesting! As the seasons go on, you get deeper into the history of specific characters which help explain why they are the way they are.

- The wardrobe for the characters is AMAZING. I would kill for some of the outfits they wear. It makes you think about how important dress choices can be, first impressions and all that.

- The characters have my dream life- high flying career, living in NYC, amazing clothes, busy lives, living in penthouses... I'm not saying I'll end up living like that, but I'd like to think it's a possibility!

I'm probably not selling it very well and am being quite vague, but I don't want to give anything away if you do decide to watch it. The episodes are quite long and there are 5 seasons, but if you are bored and need a TV series to binge watch (we've all been there) I 100%  recommend Suits, you won't regret it- just ask the people I have got into watching it ☺


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