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During the summer holidays I decided to rejoin the gym, because otherwise I would do zero exercise for a month and a half. But, alas, rejoining the gym gives plenty of opportunities for even more awkward and embarrassing situations. You'd think after having been to the gym last summer I wouldn't experience anymore, but nope, seeing as embarrassment is my middle name it took no time at all to regain my position of idiot at the gym. After a pretty heavy workout (a.k.a 20 minutes of cardio) I decided to go for a swim to cool down. There was an aqua zumba class in the lane I normally swim in, so I had to go in the designated fast lane. Despite being the slowest swimmer ever, I managed to keep up with the swimmers on my first length. But on the way back there was a man standing right in front of me, completely obstructing my way. I remember thinking 'ummm there's the entire lane free and you've decided to stand right in front of me?' but nevertheless, I swam aroun...