Back To Virgin Active

During the summer holidays I decided to rejoin the gym, because otherwise I would do zero exercise for a month and a half. But, alas, rejoining the gym gives plenty of opportunities for even more awkward and embarrassing situations. You'd think after having been to the gym last summer I wouldn't experience anymore, but nope, seeing as embarrassment is my middle name it took no time at all to regain my position of idiot at the gym.

After a pretty heavy workout (a.k.a 20 minutes of cardio) I decided to go for a swim to cool down. There was an aqua zumba class in the lane I normally swim in, so I had to go in the designated fast lane. Despite being the slowest swimmer ever, I managed to keep up with the swimmers on my first length. But on the way back there was a man standing right in front of me, completely obstructing my way. I remember thinking 'ummm there's the entire lane free and you've decided to stand right in front of me?' but nevertheless, I swam around him to the end of the pool. Then I felt a tap on my shoulder- it was the man. He told me I was swimming the wrong way. Apparently there is a set route that you have to swim- on the left one way and on the right on the way back. WHY DID NO ONE TELL ME THIS? So, that's right, I was not only swimming in the wrong part of the lane, but I was holding back 2 men from swimming because they couldn't swim past me. Fabulous.

Okay, is it just me who is completely unsure of the shower situation in the gym? Are you supposed to get undressed before you have a shower? Because I find it weird stripping in front of random women. Or go in semi-dressed? But then you'd have to put your clothes in the cubicle and they might get wet. Are you supposed to get dressed after in the shower itself or in the changing room? In the changing room makes sense. But the towel dryer is right by the showers... how are you supposed to dry your towel if you're wearing it? WHO KNOWS. It's hardly something you can ask people. Someone should definitely write a guide on the normal way to use showers at a gym. Or I guess I could use my common sense...

Something I absolutely love at Virgin Active is the classes- there are so many different ones and they are all so fun! But the fun stops when you read the class timetable wrong. Not only did I walk into the wrong studio when trying to get to my class, but I walked into a BODY PUMP class. Oh yes. I had about 12 men with dumbbells looking strangely at me in my leggings holding a yoga mat. Wonderful. The body pump class did look really fun though.. maybe next week.

And then there was  getting stuck at the barriers at the entrance to the gym because my card wouldn't work. A classic. I must've tried every possible way to swipe my card- up, down, holes facing me, strip facing me... in the end I think the receptionist felt sorry for me and just let me in. I promised I was actually a member and not someone who found an old card from last year and wanted to see whether it would still work.

As you can see, I haven't changed since last year. Sophistication has never been in my vocabulary, but I don't mind... how boring would life be without constant unintentional humiliation of yourself????


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