Year 13 Life

Apologies for not posting anything interesting in a while but, as the post suggests, year 13 is to blame. It's hard to balance A2 work, personal statements, UCAS application, house music rehearsals, EPQ writing, interview prep, entrance exams and extra curriculars - welcome to year 13. But enough whinging... here are the exciting things about year 13 which are nice to focus on when work is piling up and you're in a state of exhaustion (all the time).

1) It's pretty cool being the top of the school. There is a certain authority and sense of power that comes with wearing a gown. Younger years can't be rude to you and are obliged to part as you walk through the corridor ... not that this really happens, but in theory it should. That's definitely how it worked when we were in year 7.

2) There are more aspects of school life you can get involved in, like organising the Sixth Form Lecture and Yearbook. Might not be your cup of tea but I think it's good that you can actually get a result from what you're involved in- in lower years you don't have this! The only opportunity is school council and, let's face it, very little has come about from that (apart from the re-introduction of caramel slices). We couldn't even get Lipton Ice Tea back. And let's not talk about the sock revolution. 

3) Freeeeeees- my time table is beautiful this year. Six afternoons off and one morning off is just bliss. Although it means when I have an almost full day I literally cannot cope. I can barely cope when I have two lessons in a row. 

4) Dominance of the music in the common room. Enough said.

5) Not having to go to full school assemblies on Friday, otherwise known as 'UCAS Friday'. A wonderful 25 minutes of chatting about which characters are the best from Game Of Thrones, and perhaps reading an odd sentence or two from my personal statement. 

6) Sitting on chairs in assembly, looking down at the peasants below you. Although, now that I think about it, I've only sat on chairs twice this year - we always seem to be too late to get a seat. Even so, the balcony's not too bad and means you can't really see the hymn lyrics, so there's an excuse not to sing!

7) House music is a lot more enjoyable, not only because the house captains are in our year, but also because it's our last House Music ever! Come to think of it, every experience this year is our last one ever- scary stuff. Although I'm not that bothered that we've had our last first day back Cathedral service, not something I'm going to miss! 

I can't think of many more pros of year thirteen, but I guess 7 is not so bad... one for each year at secondary school? I totally meant to do that. It's going to be an incredibly difficult year (people say year 1 of uni is easier than A2- wow) but I can't wait for all the wonderful things it will bring.

Stay happy :-)


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