Freshers feels

Waheeeey, we made it through freshers whole! Well, almost. Whether you were partying in London like me, or elsewhere, I'm sure we all had some of these thoughts......

1) Wow, where did my money go? - until the student loans drops, you learn to live on veeery little. We luckily had a lot of free food at freshers events, which I definitely took advantage of! So. much. pizza. It's also a little painful looking at your bank balance after a night out. Our pub crawl was in Hampstead. Ouch.

2) Have I met this person before?? You will probably introduce yourself to someone, only to have them say 'we've already met'..... ah, awkward. You just meet so many people.

3) I'm so nervous - even people who seem confident on the outside are nervous. Of course we are- new city, new people, new EVERYTHING.

4) Damn you, freshers flu - most of us will probably have been struck down by some sort of illness during freshers. Tip, vitamin C tablets! I managed to avoid any real illness by having a drink with a vitamin C tablet in whenever I felt a slight sore throat or cold coming on. They're really cheap from lidl, so worth it. 

5) I cba to go out tonight - which is totally fine, no one needs to go out every night. I had a really chill night in with my flatmates watching bake off and listening to music, and I didn't feel at all like I was missing out by not going out. No fomo.

6) Why did I not realise how amazing lists are before????? - lists for me have been ESSENTIAL. Shopping lists, to-do lists..... I even have a list on a post-it on my door with stuff I need to take out with me, which I thought would be a good idea after forgetting my keys one day (never again).  

7) Why did I come to this lecture???? Honestly, some of the introduction talks were just so unnecessary. It's good for meeting course mates though, the talking point being how big of a waste of time the lecture was.....

8) Why did I sign up to so many societies? - I came back from the freshers fair with bags of flyers, so many random freebies and membership requests from random societies I am sure I will never be a part of (I felt rude saying no after them having given me a 2 minute speech). I've got some mailing lists to unsubscribe to. But hey, I got to try pepernoten for the first time......

9) I need to get my life in order!! It's so easy to forget to cook, wash up, clean your room, fill in forms, wash your clothes, register for the GP, write up lecture notes. Living independently sucks, I NEED MY MUM. I have a new found appreciation for all she does for me

So there you have some thoughts which were running through my head in the past two weeks! Freshers has been good - I personally don't think it lived up to the hype, but it was great anyway. The hard work starts now, but I'm excited to see what the rest of the year brings

Watch this space!


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