20 things to do in my 20s
Unbelievably, I have reached my 20s! When I was younger I thought 20 was so old and people in their 20s had their lives together (when I was really young I decided I wanted to be married with kids at 21- HAHAHAHAAHAH), boy was I wrong! People say your 20s are the most unstable years, I guess I can see why...you're trying to figure out how to adult, what you're doing in life whilst trying to balance work, relationships, etc.... I already don't like the sound of this. BUT, I'm optimistic for this new decade. So, on a boring train journey back to uni, I've compiled a little list of 20 things for me to do in my 20s: 1. SKY DIVE 2. Go interailing (I know this was totally a year 11/12/13 thing to do, but I never did it) 3. Drive to/in a different country that's not India 4. Learn to code 5. Actually learn to cook something that isn't pasta or a toastie 6. Learn about the stock exchange 7. Be more inventive with my baking (but I...