20 things to do in my 20s

Unbelievably, I have reached my 20s! When I was younger I thought 20 was so old and people in their 20s had their lives together (when I was really young I decided I wanted to be married with kids at 21- HAHAHAHAAHAH), boy was I wrong!  People say your 20s are the most unstable years, I guess I can see why...you're trying to figure out how to adult, what you're doing in life whilst trying to balance work, relationships, etc.... I already don't like the sound of this.

BUT, I'm optimistic for this new decade. So, on a boring train journey back to uni, I've compiled a little list of 20 things for me to do in my 20s:

2. Go interailing (I know this was totally a year 11/12/13 thing to do, but I never did it)
3. Drive to/in a different country that's not India
4. Learn to code
5. Actually learn to cook something that isn't pasta or a toastie
6. Learn about the stock exchange
7. Be more inventive with my baking (but I will never abandon my chocolate orange cake- you've always been there for me)
8. Go to waayyy more concerts and festivals (already got Kendrick lined up next month;))
9. Buy and look after plants...I didn't have a good experience with my previous mini succulent #ripnanomi
10. Get into coffee (everyone in their 20s drinks coffee right?)
11. Learn to make cocktaaailllsss
12. Run a half marathon... my running cap is just over 5k, and I want to break this
13. Set foot on every continent
14. Climb a mountain (looking for volunteers to come with me)
15. ROAD TRIPS!! How have I had a car for a year and a half and still not been on a road trip that's longer than 50 miles?!
16. Make more effort to see my friends who live far away from me 
17. Take more photos.... this was my new years resolution one year, so 2014 is the only year where I have ample photos
18. Be successful in my career, wherever it takes me
19. Re-read the earliest posts on this blog and hopefully not cringe too much
20. JUST LIVE MY LIFE without feeling obliged to do something or focus on things that aren't that important to me

Who knows if I'll have this blog when I reach my 30s to look back on this list. I really hope so, it's like a online journal of my journey from when I was 16 that I can look back on. Obviously I'm gonna cringe at some of these posts, but at least it's better than those embarrassing old photos on Facebook?? Anyway, enough of the serious stuff- I'm breaking in my 20s with some Vietnamese food and good views


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