Embarrassing gym episodes PART 3

Would you believe after years of going to the gym, I still haven't perfected the art of being a cool, suave gym gal? Honestly, after year 11 and year 12  of embarrassing gym incidences, nothing really surprises me anymore (and I guess I haven't really changed that much ha ha). But anyway, here goes this years new and improved ways to embarrass myself....

  • Insanity is one of my favourite classes. If you haven't heard of it, it's a max interval training workout. Normally it's bodyweight only, so when the instructor told us to get a bar and put a minimum of 5kg on each end, I was a bit confused. But I did it anyway, and even added extra weight thinking 'I've done this class loads of times, I've got this'. Whilst I was putting the weights on, this woman came up to me and said 'Well you're brave aren't you!'. I laughed it off, thinking it'd be fine. I was wrong. The warm-up had already tired me out, and when we subsequently had to do 12 then 15 then 20 reps of weighted arm exercises, I couldn't even lift the bar. I was also at the front of the class so everyone could see my feeble attempt, as well as see me admit defeat and have to go and get lighter plates- just a lil bonus to the situation.
  • My gym uses individual codes to get in rather than a membership card, and considering there are only 2 doors to get in and out you almost always have to queue to get in. There were two incredibly built guys discussing the killer back workout they had planned in front of me. They kept looking over at me, passing judgy looks at me with my resistance band, so I ignored them and tried to look cool. I nonchalantly took a sip from my water bottle, and of course.... the lid wasn't on it properly. The water dripped all over my face and t-shirt. The judgemental looks turned into amused looks. So suave.
  • My favourite gym instructor told us he was reducing the number of classes he was doing (cry), but that he did a 'body pop' class on Tuesdays. It sounded like the perfect class- some sort of cardio dance thing, with my favourite instructor leading. So the next Tuesday I went along, super motivated, only to get there and see a room full of barbells and weights. Yep, I'd misheard. It wasn't 'body pop'.... it was 'body pump'. Good thing I didn't wear my leotard.
  • And once again I was reminded of how stupid it is to never wear my glasses. 'The Gym' where I live is the cheapest gym option. Coupled with the student discount they had over summer, it meant I was pretty much guaranteed to see someone I knew each time I went. I kept seeing this guy from my secondary school around the gym. One day after my workout I decided to say hi, as I hadn't seen him in a few years. He was lifting weights with his friends when I went up to him. Only it wasn't him. It was literally a middle aged man, wondering why I'd been intermittently staring at him for the last hour. Absolutely classic. 
At this point in my life, I think I'm going to have to accept that embarrassment is an almost-daily occurrence. The best thing you can do is laugh it off, write about it and publicly post it.


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