What to Expect from a Spin Class

As my gym membership is coming to an end I decided to go all out and try different classes I've never been to before, starting with the dreaded Spinning class this morning. I was advised to NEVER go to a Spin class as your first class, which is why I've left it so late to try it.

Spinning is basically indoor cycling where you change the resistance settings to imitate different cycling situations, like cycling up a hill for example. I did my research before I went, and expected a seriously hard workout where I sweat buckets and feel my legs and glutes on fire- most of which was true!

The instructor was really nice and showed me how to set up my bike and change the resistance, but the rest was fairly self explanatory- just get on it and cycle. During the first 10 minutes, I felt pretty good- I was keeping up with everyone else, my legs weren't burning, I wasn't dripping with sweat... but I was on pretty much 0 resistance going at a mere 60 RPM (revolutions per minute, which was the minimum we were supposed to be doing).

'Now we're approaching the hill, crank up the resistance, you should be going at about 75 RPM'  A HILL? MORE RESISTANCE? I looked at the monitor saying I was going at 61 RPM... It's safe to say for the rest of the class I felt like my legs were going to drop off. Luckily my bike was right in front of the AC which kept me cool.

The rest of the class was a mixture of going up hills or flat roads, cycling sitting down or standing up.. it was so varied and even though it was super hard and my muscles were screaming at me by the end of it, I really enjoyed it! 

So if you ever get a chance to do a spin class, do it. You don't have to be super fit or anything (believe me, I'm not), and you feel so good by the end because you've worked so hard. There's also a really nice atmosphere like eveyone is a team, even though you are working individually. Not sure I'll regularly be doing these classes as there are things I enjoy more, but you know what they say about trying everything once!

P.S. (Bit of self advertising here) You can now follow my blog on Bloglovin! I have basically no followers right now so hit that follow button. If you don't have Bloglovin, then definitely get it. It's so good, you follow blogs that interest you and you get automatic updates when they publish new posts.. I spend waaay too much time scrolling through my feed, but oh well it's worth the time!

Hope you all have a good weekend ☺


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