The Apprentice: Candidate Break Down

We're now 4 weeks into the Apprentice, so it's definitely time to make predictions on who we think is going to win. This year I feel like the candidates are even more cocky and bold than usual, although I shouldn't be surprised- it's all for the entertainment! On to the candidate break downs....

Katie Bulmer-Cooke NOW FIRED- "In business I'm like a little stealth bomber that flies under the radar and smashes the competition before they've even realised I'm there."

You'd think the 'Fat Daddy video' would have been slightly better considering Katie MAKES HER OWN YOUTUBE FITNESS VIDEOS. But she was a pretty good PM during the fragrance task, although I'm not sure that just because you buy candles it means you are the best person to be the PM... pretty sure everyone knows what smells nice.

Felipe Alviar-Banquera NOW FIRED- "I was one of the top 100 Columbians elected by the Columbian government. It was an honour because I was with people like Shakira."

Sumona likes Felipe, but she finds it strange that he speaks about himself in third person. I feel so bad for Felipe for being labelled a Fat Daddy, he is as fat as Steven is modest... 

Jemma Bird NOW FIRED- "I need chances to prove myself and get recognition. I need praise and I get frustrated if I'm not receiving any."

Well Jemma, you haven't taken those chances yet- I have no idea who you are.

Daniel Lassman NOW FIRED - "I've sold bags of material to people that can't sew – work that one out."

There's nothing to work out- just because you can't sew doesn't mean you can't buy material... good one Daniel. He is probably one of the most confident characters (which is quite hard to be actually), but his selling has not been great so far... let's not revive the image of him dressed as a hot dog.

Roisin Hogan NOW FIRED- "Munipulate, persuade and conquer. I would identify my opponents' weaknesses and pick them off one by one."

I'm quite impressed with her, she was a good PM and had some good ideas on the fragrance task. Okay, her pricing strategy was pretty bad, but that's all I can complain about at the minute! I'm predicting she'll go far... 

Bianca Miller NOW FIRED - "I regret not becoming a scientist so I could clone myself and be more successful in half the time."

Umm well that would never happen 1) There is no proven method to clone humans yet and 2) human cloning is illegal in the UK. But anyway, we haven't really heard much from Bianca in these last few weeks, so I haven't formed an opinion of her yet.

James Hill NOW FIRED- "Del Boy's my nickname, always chancing, I'm a bit of an opportunist."

Like Lord Sugar said, I think he is a bit of a loose cannon. Possibly a bit too immature? I don't think he'll last that much longer, he's not exactly in Lord Sugar's good books...

Lauren Riley NOW FIRED- "I'm a glamourous solicitor, they're in scarce supply."

Another person I've not really formed an opinion of yet. All I've really heard from her are her complaints against Sarah... and telling her to shut up.

Mark Wright HIRED - "I think the world is full of way too many wafflers. I talk the talk, I walk the walk, and I dance the dance."

Mark is quiet, but he gets the job done. Lord Sugar hasn't really said anything to him, which is probably a good thing!

Pamela Uddin NOW FIRED- "I know I'm different...And I know why I'm different. And that's because I know myself inside out and upside down."

Pamela seems quite organised and always seems to have ideas to contribute, and she was more of a PM than Ella Jade was in the video task! She's doing well so far..

Sanjay Sood-Smith NOW FIRED- "Out of every ten people I walk past on the street, I think I'm better looking than nine of them."

I'm just impressed he is grade 4 bassoon.

Solomon Akhtar NOW FIRED- "I think that sometimes my overenthusiasm can annoy people."

He was definitely an enthusiastic PM for the video task. Overenthusiastic? I don't think so, considering it was meant to be a funny video. Although I think he let PM get to his head... “Will you do my tie again Felipe? Normal length.” 

Solomon Akhtar

At the rate Lord Sugar is firing the candidates (I cannot believe there was a triple firing!!) the whole process will be over before you even have time to make your predictions. But from what I've seen so far, I would put my money on Roisin and Solomon... let's see how they do!


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