The Ultimate Hot Chocolate

Let me start by saying I am 100% a tea drinker. But, the milk situation in the common room is complicated so I realised if I want to keep warm during school I was going to have to venture out of the boundaries of PG tips..

Coffee was not an option, way too bitter! I'm actually not a huge fan of hot chocolate, but I walked past these marvellous looking flavours in the supermarket and just had to try them out. So did they taste as good as they looked?

Contender 1: Belgian Chocolate Hazelnut

Not sure about this one.. to me it just tasted like normal hot chocolate. I know hazelnut is hardly going to have a strong taste, but I was still expecting more of a melted ferrero rocher taste. Slightly disappointed with this one, but oh well, let's move on...

Contender 2: Belgian Chocolate Orange

This flavour is AMAZING. First off, it smells incredible- like melted Terry's Chocolate Orange. It tastes so good as well, not that much like normal hot chocolate (which in my opinion is too washed out, doesn't taste like chocolate at all).. the orange and chocolate are both really strong and complementary. 

Contender 3: Belgian Chocolate Butterscotch

This one smells like heaven in a flask... obviously it smelt like butterscotch, but more vanilla/caramelly. The aroma was so good I couldn't wait long enough for it to cool down, and so I burnt my tongue, which felt numb and blistered for the rest of the day- brilliant! So I didn't get the full taste of the drink, but it what I did taste was so nice.

So overall I would definitely say chocolate orange is the best flavour- the best hot chocolate I have had as far as I can recall! Even if you're not that keen on hot chocolate, this one is great.. and at 38 calories you can't go wrong ☺ 

(But tea is still number one)


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