2015 is such a strange thought! It's like when you were in primary school, and you learnt that 'by 2015, the goal is to eradicate extreme poverty and hunger' (which was actually a millennium goal)... and while that hasn't happened, it feels like we've come so far in so many aspects of the world, and arguably backwards in others. So cliché but time literally does fly.

I could go on about my resolutions and the whole 'new year new me' stuff, but let's face it.. I'm pretty sure I'm the same person I was a week ago, and I don't have the self discipline to change myself. Instead I will focus on some of the things I have to look forward to this year...

1) My birthday (10th January in case you were wondering)... not for any other reason than the fact that I can start learning to drive!!!

2) The Sixth Form Ball- I missed Prom so I'm excited to have a chance to put on heels and a dress, which I really should buy soon...

3) The speech Katie Hopkins is going to give when she comes to our school- listening to her views will be interesting to say the least!

4) Seeing The Script for the second time, this time at the O2 in London

5) Numerous other inevitable trips to London to see my brother, friends and possibly pointe shoe shopping (my favourite type of shopping)

6) Our Economics trip to Brussels in April - I've never been to Belgium before and have always wanted to so I'm very excited

7) University open days- such a daunting thought, but actually I cannot wait to explore different places where I could be spending years of my life. AAHH even more life decisions.

8) Our family holiday to Canada in August- another place I have always wanted to go!

And so much more! I hope this year is the year where everything goes right for you. BE HAPPY. LIVE YOUR DREAMS. Happy new year☺


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