Hitting The Road

So I woke up on a frosty Saturday morning last weekend after a mere 3 hours of slumber (couldn't sleep- subconsciously anxious I was going to crash in the driving lesson??) to 35mph winds and heavy rain. First time driving was going to be interesting.... I suppose the good thing about the awful weather was that the streets were pretty empty. I wasn't nervous up until the point where I actually sat in the driver seat, but I did have these fears in the back of my mind... Fear number one: STALLING. It's all you hear about from your friends- 'OMG I stalled on a roundabout it was so scary'- so I spent the whole lesson releasing the clutch so slowly I spent more time letting it go than actually driving! An hour and a half in when my instructor said 'I'm impressed you haven't stalled yet did I stall immediately after. But hey, once on your first lesson is not bad going! So I learnt the trick is to release the clutch quickly at first, then slow down ...