A Week In The Life Of A Sixth Former

Is it just me who thinks time has been going SO fast recently? It feels like just yesterday we were complaining about having to knuckle down with our personal statements. I suppose it's good on the one hand because the week doesn't drag so much, but exams and the prospect of university life are getting scarily close. But enough of the heavy, here are some thoughts that most of us have during the week....

Monday: Don't talk to me in the morning, I'm tired. Don't look at my face, I'm tired. Don't expect me to sing a hymn, I'm tired. Especially if it's Guide Me O Thou Great Redeemer (come on Mandy, at least give us Shine Jesus Shine). SO tired. PLEASE let this be the week I have a free 1&2 so I have time to do that econ essay I should've done over the weekend. Just get me hoooooooome

Tuesday: HOW IS IT ONLY TUESDAY? Aah, it's our form assembly today. Now, how many quotes and youtube clips can we play to fill up 20 minutes? Well let's at least start with a definition. Maybe even get a debate going. Do you know what, Clara in year 7, I really couldn't care less that you've lost your Hello Kitty pencil sharpener.

Wednesday: Sub daaaaaay. But barely even half way through the week. Wow I'm so done. And soooo tired. Has someone used my cup??? Why would someone do that???????? At least it's wednesday afternoon activities. Home gym, you are wonderful.

Thursday: Not really in the mood for UCAS updates, but really in the mood for social time. Only one day till friday, PUSH THROUGH. Ooh I forgot I have duty. How are the lower years so energetic? Wait till sixth form young grasshoppers, just you wait.

Friday: Oh, not this hymn AGAIN. TGIF. Time to paaartttaaaayyy. OH WAIT, I'm an A level student, I have work to do. Ha. Ha. I've spent three hours on chemistry, how have I still not finished? Hopefully Graham Norton will make work a little bit less painful. Nope, still feeling the pain. I'll try again next week.

And the melodramatic cycle continues. All this going on in our heads as well as having to learn stuff? No wonder our brains are always fried.

But just think, only a few more months of this! Unless you're in year 12, then you've got all this to look forward to. It's okay, we're all in this together. Have a top notch weekend ☺


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