Back To Baking

The half term boredom hit hard yesterday (there are only so many Sudokus I can do before my head starts to hurt), so I decided it was time for a little bit of baking. I haven't baked since summer- crazy, I know-, so I decided to use the time I should've been revising to knock up some baked goods. I went for brownies, because I was really feeling the chocolate vibes, and I actually haven't made them before.

I realised half way through making the batter that we only had 1 egg in the house.... and no walnuts... and I had forgotten to melt the butter. So I slightly adapted the recipe and braced myself for a potential disaster. 

But I'm not even joking, they turned out amazing! Gooey, soft and reeeaallly chocolatey. SO, here is my (by default) unique recipe:

200g caster sugar, 125g butter, 30g cocoa powder, 1 egg, 1/2 teaspoon vanilla extract, pinch of baking powder, pinch of salt and some milk chocolate to crush up/chocolate buttons/nuts/whatever you want

1) Pre heat oven to 180 degrees
2) Mix all the ingredients in the order of the list
3) Bake for 25 mins

Easy as pie

Needless to say I don't think they'll be lasting very long (5 out of the 15 have already gone). In my defence, I did do a workout whilst they were baking in the oven.... 

Happy half term ☺


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